Parallel Structure; Parallel Bullet Lists

What is Parallel Structure?

Also known as parallelism or parallel construction, parallel structure is a way of formatting writing elements so they flow nicely structurally. Parallel structure can be used in all types of writing, but is most commonly used in headings, bullet lists and numbered lists. 

Parallel structure serves two purposes: Function and style. Functionally, it helps readers easily see the relationship between elements. Stylistically, it’s much easier and more enjoyable to read, which means people will likely stay on the page longer. 

Parallel Bullets

Writing a parallel bullet list is as simple as ensuring every item in the list has the same type of structure. Each item needs to: 

  • Start with the same type of word (verb, noun, adjective)
  • Use the same tense (present, past, future)
  • Use the same voice (active, passive) – Remember, active voice is always preferred
  • Use the same type of sentence (phrase, question, statement)

Looking at the bullet list above, you can see that every bullet starts with a verb, is in present tense and has an example in parentheses. Now let’s look at the list again: 

  • Start with the same type of word, such as verb, noun or adjective
  • Bullets should always be written in the same tense (present, past, future)
  • Always use the same type of voice, either active or passive
  • Be the same type of sentence (phrase, question statement) 

You can see how this second list is less pleasing to the eye, and more difficult to read. 

Parallel Headings

With just a few words, headings can make or break a piece of content. They are used to help readers navigate the piece and are used in category pages, blogs and buying guides, and even sometimes product descriptions. 

When headings are created using parallel construction, they ensure consistency and help the reader identify the relationships between the sections. 

Parallel headings are usually formatted in the same way. All complete sentences or questions or phrases. They also usually start with the same type of word (verb, adjective, noun etc). 

Although not officially part of parallelism, headings should all follow the same structure in font, font size and color, emphasis (bold, italic etc), and capitalization. 

Parallel Structure in Writing

In general, paragraph copy. Parallel structure means the same grammatical form across all parts of a sentence. 

Not parallel: I like to walk, paint, read and watching movies.

Parallel: I like to walk, paint, read and watch movies. 

Parallel: I like walking, painting, reading and watching movies.

Maintaining parallel structure helps to ensure every sentence is grammatically correct and improves the writing style. 

While lack of parallelism isn’t always grammatically incorrect. Parallel structure flows better, is easier to read and brings balance to your writing.

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